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TOPIC: Hyperlinks, preselection, client info

Hyperlinks, preselection, client info 6 years 5 months ago #64600

Hey Dom,
Thanks for the wonderful product. I have a few questions I'm hoping you can help answer.

1.) Is there a way to download the client info? I did data analytics and business intelligence development in a previous life and would like to run some statistics on my clients. Is it possible to download the client info and possibly the General Information info?

2.) How do I make the URLs listed in my report Blue and Underlined so my readers know they're a hyperlink?

3.) Is there a way to "preselect" choices in the template. There are some items that remain the same 90% of the time. I'd like to have them already selected when I create the report so I don't have to select them myself. I'm all about automation.

Thanks a bunch,

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Hyperlinks, preselection, client info 6 years 4 months ago #64648

1. Check out ISN (Inspection Support Network) www.inspectionsupport.net/features/ . You customize all your customer and more and download in excel. This may be what your looking for.

2. You have to manually change the text color of the link.

3. I've been asking for the same for the last couple of years but told to use the merge function. I have done that but there are bugs in merging I identified and team still has not fixed and Dominic's developers don't not see value in the capability of preselected items in a template. I don't see what the big deal is to add this simple option but they don't get it. Its unfortunate.

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Hyperlinks, preselection, client info 6 years 3 months ago #65536

John, what bugs are you referring to? There's no current open issues I'm aware of with the merge feature.

The merge feature is much much more flexible than pre-selections on a template. You can setup multiple pre-selected homes for formats such as condos, mobile homes, older than 1940's houses, etc. Then with 2 clicks merge those selections directly into your current master template. If you could only select items within your template then you would have the same options selected no matter what which removes the flexibility we added in (based on user request) via the merge feature. If you think I'm missing something here, let me know!

Don't forget, I am one of the developers since I started HIP on my own (I'm a programmer) 15 years ago. Anything that gets added, fixed, etc, is not because the developers decided something on their own.

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Dominic Maricic
Home Inspector Pro Home Inspection Software - CEO
Last Edit: by Dominic Maricic.

Hyperlinks, preselection, client info 6 years 3 months ago #65537

Hey Dominic,

I worked the IT sector for 15 years with the last 5 being in business intelligence development. With that background I'm wanting to run some business analysis on my own company which is why I was wondering if it is possible to pull the customer info out of HIP. There's all sorts of things I'd like to pull out to evaluate regarding my clients, however, right now I'd just be happy to get the client info and possibly the general information. Is this possible?

Thanks for the word on the merge feature. I'll check it out.

Thanks a bunch,

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Hyperlinks, preselection, client info 6 years 2 months ago #65561

Anthony Ponder,

I had the same question on #3. The way around this (Band-aid fix) is to open your template, click on all areas you want highlighted blue at top and move items to Black or Red (YOUR COMMON STUFF) that you want and check marks. Once you have it the was you like it. Save it as an inspection. I call my canned inspection "101 Standard Lane".
Now all you have to do is open the Inspection you just saved and everything will be there! Remember you will need to put in the Client info (I just do the Address) and save it to the address of the client so you don't ruin the "Canned Inspection", then open THAT Inspection you just saved and now you are ready to rock!!!

Down side is: if you make any updates to your Main Template, you will have to do the process all over again. Hope that helps.

Canned Marked templates would be a cool add-on in future builds.

Johnny M Wahl
Amerispec Atlanta

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Last Edit: by Johnny M Wahl. Reason: Correction in thought

Hyperlinks, preselection, client info 6 years 2 months ago #65565

Hey Johnny,

Great minds think alike. I went through and made all the selections I wanted in an initial report that I labelled "DRAFT". Now I open up DRAFT and immediately do a Save As using my report nomenclature. The only problem is that all the tabs have been checked so I need to keep track of where I am in editing the report, which isn't difficult. I looked around for the "Merge" function but I haven't been able to find it anywhere. It's probably hidden in plain sight.


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